MIN #35588, SRDS #214734-000
These chiropractors take an active role in promoting their practice and communicating with their patients. They advertise, implement referral programs, hold health education classes, distribute their own newsletters and participate in community affairs. They have purchased products, publications, supplies and services that help them accomplish their energetic agendas.PRICES and TERMS
Minimum Order 3,000 |
Base Price $95/M |
Disk, E-Mail $50 |
Cheshire, Bar-Coded $5/M |
Pressure-Sensitive Labels $15/M |
Selects (Gender & Geo.) $5/M |
Telephones $25/M |
Key Coding $5/M |
Shipping 2 Day $17.50 |
Shipping Overnight $35 |
All files 12 months or less. Files updated monthly.
Brokers Welcome.